Welcome to DCC

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Do you have a story and photo you would like to share about your DCC adopted kitten or cat? 
We're looking for some laughs, maybe some tears, how they have changed your life, how they have touched your heart.  We will post your photo and story on our home page to share with
all of our visitors.  Maybe you'll inspire someone to share their life with a homeless cat.

Please send a photo and your story to:


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Last Updated:
3/22/2025 3:40 PM


Latest News Items:

Special events in 2023 -- Sunday January 1st, 2023

THIS IS WHAT WE WOULD LIKE YOU TO KNOW!! Every cent that we collect from donations and the sale of items at events is used for the sole purpose of maintaining the health and well-being of all the kitties in our care. EVERY CENT!! Your support helps foster families provide proper nutrition, a clean and comfortable environment, and responsible veterinary care. NO ONE in our organization receives a salary. W–e are a responsible, completely nonprofit organization, and we appreciate your donations to help us in our mission of: ““No More Homeless Cats!” ” THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!! Delmarva Cat Connection

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