Welcome to DCC

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Do you have a story and photo you would like to share about your DCC adopted kitten or cat? 
We're looking for some laughs, maybe some tears, how they have changed your life, how they have touched your heart.  We will post your photo and story on our home page to share with
all of our visitors.  Maybe you'll inspire someone to share their life with a homeless cat.

Please send a photo and your story to:


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Last Updated:
3/27/2025 7:35 PM



What's a courtesy posting?

A courtesy posting is for a cat that is currently in a home, being held by it's current guardian, but must be placed up for adoption because of circumstances that will not allow the current guardian to keep the pet.   Delmarva Cat Connection offers assistance by posting these pets on our web site in hopes we can help locate a new home for them.

If you are interested in any of the cats or kittens on this page, please contact the person who has the pet.  Contact information is located on the pet's page.  These cats/kittens are not adopted out under Delmarva Cat Connection's adoption policy.  Guardians of these pets take responsibility in finding new permanent, loving homes for their pets. 

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