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Do you have a story and photo you would like to share about your DCC adopted kitten or cat? 
We're looking for some laughs, maybe some tears, how they have changed your life, how they have touched your heart.  We will post your photo and story on our home page to share with
all of our visitors.  Maybe you'll inspire someone to share their life with a homeless cat.

Please send a photo and your story to:


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Last Updated:
3/27/2025 7:35 PM



Zachary and Tripp Find a Home for Christmas


Zachary and Tripp became best of friends while they were in Petsmart dreaming about life in a forever home. Then, just a few days before Christmas, their dreams came true. They were adopted together by the most wonderful family! And there under the family Christmas tree were two comfy kitty beds and loads of kitty toys just waiting for them. They could hardly believe their eyes. They found comfortable spots under the tree and settled down together to wait for Santa's arrival. And yes, according to the boys, there is a Santa Clause!        



I just wanted to thank you again for your wonderful work. I adopted Magdalena back in June and she's wonderful! She's become my shadow and is now beginning to snuggle on my lap while I'm in my recliner. Shi is also my furry study buddy. Whenever I'm working on my studies she's right beside me. My life has been made more full having her in my life. 


Thanks and God bless!




Five year old Henry has settled nicely into his new home. His new mom Andrea sent us these pictures four days later with the following message. Henry and I adopted each other on Saturday. I had all the necessities for him and his foster mom Pat was so kind with more toys and the food he had been eating so he could adjust gently. He has been exploring and these pictures are of him last evening. He's a wonderful boy. I want to thank you for caring for him until he and I could join forces. He's home!

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