Do you have a story and photo you would like to share about your DCC adopted kitten or cat? We're looking for some laughs, maybe some tears, how they have changed your life, how they have touched your heart. We will post your photo and story on our home page to share with all of our visitors. Maybe you'll inspire someone to share their life with a homeless cat.
Peaches needs a new home because her owner cannot take her with her to her new home. She is moving to a city out of state and the landlord does not allow pets. Hello my name is Peaches and I am the sister of Chloe. I can be very shy around people at first but once I feel comfortable and get to know you better, then I will come up to you and surprise you. I don't like a lot of overstimulation and prefer a quiet house. I like to be petted on my terms only. Sometimes I think I am a dog because I like to play fetch the mouse and I will bring it back to you. For some reason I prefer to have my paws out straight in front of me like a lion and I love to hang them over the edge of a cushion or bed so I can see what is going on. If the television is on, make sure I am facing it because it entertains me. If you are lying down, I like to lay across the top of your pillow because your head is the warmest part of your body and it feels good next to my side. I do Not like dogs. I love my sister, Chloe, and we both have and inflammatory bowel disease so we have to be on a special Hills Prescription diet called Z/D dry food. I like wet food too and I eat the I/D canned food from Hills Prescriptions. The rice and corn in commercial pet food makes my tummy hurt and sometimes I have a loose stool. I am not allowed to have table food or human food at all. I love the Hills Feline Hypoallergenic treats and if you shake the bag I will come running very quickly.