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Last Updated:
3/10/2025 6:44 PM


Hank's Web Page

Domestic Short Hair  : :  Male (neutered)

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About Hank

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Cat
  • Rescue ID: Meredith Dempsey
  • General Color: Brown
  • Color: Tabby
  • Current Size: 11
  • Current Age: 15 Years 9 Months (best estimate)
  • Housetrained: Yes
My original family couldn’t keep me anymore when my Momma Macy had a litter of 3 kittens. So when my half brothers were born me and my momma were kicked out but luckily we found a foster momma that could keep us until our new homes were found. I’ve been with my new momma for about 7 months now. All but one of my half brothers and my mom has been adopted. I am patiently waiting for my new home.
          I don’t like other adult cats. I like to be king of my castle and when other cats try and step in, I get upset. I love kittens and my momma though! I have grown up in the company of other little kittens my human mom has been fostering and get along with them now despite their larger size. I love people though! I can’t get enough of them. I will run to you and love to jump on you and lay across your shoulders.  I also do very well on a leash and harness, though I don't always walk very far.  Maybe my new family will get me a stroller instead!

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